Blind and expansive. I started with the string and then I continued to tangle until it was much bigger.....I guess I do not totally trust my blind self. I will try again. Find the challenge here Judy West from Creative Doodling with Judy West has shared a great link on youtube by Patrick Gallagher , a tutorial about how to make freestyle Celtic Knots. I have always loved them and so I decided to jump on board. I am not sure I have figured out how to accomplish the task completely, however, her directions are wonderful and I think I will get better with each try. If you are interested head over and give the challenge a go
Zendala dare 19 is up and running. I am still thinking in mooka mode...yet there was some real fun working with squares.
It may be a few days before I return.... a deadline on Tues.....but then, I bet I will look for stress relief and l find the time somewhere! Thank you Erin for this great challenge! So, I must hand it to Laura that this one was a real challenge....I don't mind either of the patterns.....but how to marry them in one piece was mind boggling to me. I like to control my art and each piece was a disaster. Then I broke down and did something I rarely do, I drew a string. It was amazing how different it made me feel about the challenge. So here is my first view-able try at the Assunta/Mooka challenge
Erin issued her new dare right on schedule! I have been watching the Olympics in the morning and so this is probably again inspired by a nautical theme. How those athletes push the boundries to new heights is always inspiring! It has been a fun couple of weeks watching my favorite sports and some new ones that I had never watched before. Happy tangling all you zentangle stars out there!
Had a family reunion and today was the first day that I could work on the dare. I have tried several times and I finally just have decided to post. This one was a challenge.......can't wait to see what you have all done! I have been blessed not to lose any immediate family to cancer, however, I did lose a dear friend. I would like to dedicate my tiles to LeAnn and to her children who had to say good -bye to her in their tender years. How I miss her wonderful gift of love!
I am a wife, mother, grandmother, clerk, and appreciator of art. Sometimes I try to produce some art myself. Mainly I love the art of others. Doodling has been a big part of my life. Notes were never left unadorned. Now that I have found zentangle....doodling has become more exciting and fun! I hope you enjoy.
December 2015
The link to my coloring tutorial is: HERE
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