Today was one of those many emotions because of different scenarios. And then the inevitable headache. You work in the public so you must grin and bear it. Mask your feelings and go forth without anyone knowing that somedays the world drives you crazy!
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This is a tangle made of 2 separate tangles that just weren't working. I think I like this one. It was fun to figure out a way to make them one.
Well it is a relief to see the curve challenge. I loved the line work but I missed my curves. It turns out that the curves posed a brand new challenge. I need more practice at this!
I love to color you can easily see. However, there are times that a piece says to me.....I don't need color. Some of the most beautiful pieces of zentangle that I have seen are black and white. Just as in photography. I love color but their is a depth and beauty to some black and white that are unsurpassed. Therefore, each piece says to color or not to color!
I was trying out a couple of new designs that I fell in love with. I made several mistakes and almost left the page but I remembered that someone said that any tangle is workable and so I combined the different tangles and this is what happened.
Laura came up with a new tangle pattern "versa" and decided to extend a midweek challenge. I think challenges are so fun!
You would think I would get tired of tangling but so far it hasn't occurred to me to be tired of the fun. This morning I drew one. Then my boss was sick and so he took the day off. It was so quiet that I began to dose off while doing my book work, so at noon I grabbed a ballpoint pen....the only type we have at work and I tangled 2 tangles before I again arrived at home. I then decided to do a tangle with new patterns. So there you go. It makes 4.
This one was a challenge for me....I love curves. I love shading that makes curves. On this one I did not shade other than lines. I will try again but for now...... It is great to have family home.....I woke up early and since they didn't arrive until 11 p.m. I decided to get my tangling in this morning. It is a tangle called Windu. I love it. With March here I think of pinwheels.....however it morphed into a flower. I love having the spring type weather we have had recently. I played in Picnic so I am including two bits of editing just for the fun of it.
I am a wife, mother, grandmother, clerk, and appreciator of art. Sometimes I try to produce some art myself. Mainly I love the art of others. Doodling has been a big part of my life. Notes were never left unadorned. Now that I have found zentangle....doodling has become more exciting and fun! I hope you enjoy.
December 2015
The link to my coloring tutorial is: HERE
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