My first attempt is a bit heavy handed. I will try again for a lighter feel! Head over to Erin's Dare!
This morning I woke up to a cool morning....thank goodness, and looked at the challenge "Home", wow, that is a loaded challenge. Laura was generous and gave us tons of options, one of which was to look out the window, and so I did. I decided not to go with color for this first tile but I did work with sepia. I guess that is because the high mountain desert were I live is rather dry and dusty this year. Our lakes and resevoirs are low, farmers are being told that there might only be one more irrigation cycle. That is life in the mountainous west. I live 1 mile above sea level on the wrong side of the mountain to get much rain even in a wet year. So, how do I like it? I love the west! I love the stars that twinkle without any restraint. I love my life. The flower I tried to replicate is a sego lily. I made a pattern for it ages ago. I have decided that it isn't quite right but it will do for today. I went out and picked some sage brush so that I could sort of pattern it out. I am enjoying the fragrance it is bringing into my library. If you would like to reflect on the subject of home and share just join the diva's challenge! I am also grateful for the country where I live. It was founded upon the idea of freedom. I appreciate the rights I have because of the strong men and women who preceded me and I hope that all men will be able to choose their course in life and retain the liberty to do so. I also live in what we call Dinosaur-land....and I thought I would try to show you a little about that. My tile is weird....but I guess living in Dinosaur-land is sort of weird, though fascinating! Another great place in our area is Flaming Gorge Dam
Erin has issued another dare.... yep dare #11. I am learning to love the zendala templates. They are really fun to work with. Thank you Erin! If you want to give it a try just click on this site. The Bright Owl
Today was my last seminar. It was all about how to educate in a museum, most informative and when the instructor saw me zentangling she put me in the category of learner that learns better if involved in an artistic mode, and so that may be true but what it really does is keep me awake. That is one of the reasons why I love zentangle! So to give you my efforts during a mostly hands on seminar....meaning not much time to tangle, this is what I came up with.
So this morning I opened up Erin's site and there was the new challenge. I printed off the pattern but all my pens were in the room were guests were sleeping. Just to get a feel for the template I grabbed a ball-point pen and began developing a a plan. Eliza, my 4 year old grand-daughter came into the room and said, "Oh, can I help?" and so here is our duel effort!
You can find the dare and challenge here I scanned this one...I never like the difference in the depth of the scan in vs to the depth in a photo. I came to work early because my daughter has a summer job and I have just been waiting for my starting time and working on the challenge. I will try more when I get home, but for now this is what I came up with.
I love the use my tangle challenges because I try things I have never used before. This one is Bridgen by Daved. Submitted by Carole Ohl I thought and thought and here is my first try! Happy tangling!
I am a wife, mother, grandmother, clerk, and appreciator of art. Sometimes I try to produce some art myself. Mainly I love the art of others. Doodling has been a big part of my life. Notes were never left unadorned. Now that I have found zentangle....doodling has become more exciting and fun! I hope you enjoy.
December 2015
The link to my coloring tutorial is: HERE
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